Quick and tasty breakfast made of healthy breakfast foods

Weight loss: does healthy breakfast food count? Top healthy breakfast foods ideas for losing weight, dropping cholesterol and reducing blood pressure

Are you skipping your breakfast in hopes to eat less and lose weight? Or you are quite content with your cup of coffee to start your day? I was stubbornly doing this for many years and couldn't lose weight or get more energy. It was not until I took a leap of faith and trusted the research that says: healthy breakfast food is essential for your weight loss. But not only for that...


Many of us have to force ourselves to eat something for breakfast. And we need to give more thought to what it is we’re putting into our mouths.

bacon and eggs breakfast

Say you eat an average North American breakfast - bacon and eggs followed by white bread toast with butter and jam and a big coffee with cream. Now your body is fighting off free radicals and high sugar levels all day. You feel sluggish and tired, and day has only started!

You might as well skip it!

Much better choice is replacing this greasy meal with healthy breakfast food options including whole foods. If your perception of breakfast is stuck on bacon and eggs, remember it’s all in your head. Thinking of all of the good benefits I’ll list below will hopefully make you reconsider your breakfast choices. For one, by changing just one meal a day - your breakfast - you improve your diet by 25-33%. This means, your blood cholesterol, blood sugar and pressure can be reduced by just this one change in your diet. 

healthy breakfast food hot cereal

Healthy breakfast food - hot ten grains cereal

Over the years of healthy food research and experiments in my kitchen, I have created a list of healthy breakfast food options. These foods are delicious, whole, vitamin-packed, energy-boosting, and the kids love them!

My healthy breakfast food options are helpful if you are

  • working to lose weight (lose fat, that is)
  • exercising to gain muscle
  • teaching your kids healthy eating habits
  • aiming to eat healthier.

My recipes are good for the whole body, and their “side effects” include:

  • lowering bad cholesterol naturally
  • lowering blood pressure naturally
  • lowering blood sugar
  • increasing immunity
  • losing weight
  • providing antioxidants to fight free radicals caused by toxins in the environment and food
  • in the long run, lowering your chances to be a part of sad cancer, diabetes and heart disease statistics
  • increased energy.

Choose your healthy breakfast food...

So what are you waiting for? Why not choose one easy option and get started?

  • Healthy smoothies - great healthy breakfast food

    provide immediate boost of energy without boosting your blood sugar
    Smoothie Blueberry-chocolate
  • Healthy Breakfast on the go

    No time to cook? Bake these Healthy blueberry muffins in advance and store them in your freezer

  • Healthy breakfast to lose weight

    Use this old-fashioned way to get slimmer - Healthy cereals
    Hot cereal with berries and yogurt

  • Weekend delight: Healthy oatmeal pancakes

    Banana pancakes
  • Satisfying healthy omelettes

    If you really want to eat eggs, try this healthy twist Baked kale omelette
    Spinach omelette

  • Super-healthy breakfast choice from the Orient

    miso soup is an ideal choice for breakfast. Many people get shocked by this idea, yet macrobiotic cooking recommends it as a part of healing practice. People in Japan are accustomed to starting their day with a bowl of miso, and they have much less problem with obesity, blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease than people in the Western societies.
    Miso soup


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