Kale And Hemp Hearts Salad

This kale and hemp hearts salad is simple and delicious. It is so satisfying that we make it every day with some variations. The idea of it is inspired by kale salad from Rawlicious, a famous Toronto raw food restaurant. I saw a great opportunity for it to provide omega 3s and protein from the best natural sources.

Wonder How To Get Your Omega 3 From Nature's Best Sources...

You see, our knowledge about the best omega 3 sources is evolving, and recent discoveries show that popular omega-3 sources are so polluted that they can do more harm than good. So, it's important to stick to the safe and ethical sources of this important nutrient that helps prevent cancer and heart disease, increase your overall health and energy. Hemp hearts is one of the best sources for all ages, especially for kids and seniors. Read my brief summary here:

problem with fish oil What's the problem with traditional sources of omega-3 fats
hemp hearts manitoba harvest
benefits of hemp hearts and where to get them

Here is a picture of this salad: kale and hemp hearts salad


I grow various types of kale, lettuces, herbs, arugula and now mustard in my small garden, so it is easy for me to create salads that always taste different and provide the best balanced nutrition. Having a small urban garden is a great stress reducer, and it is easy to maintain. If you would like to start growing food, check out my simple guides here... And please spread the word!

growing kale and  lettuce

Kale Salad with Hemp Hearts

  • 4 leaves of fresh kale
  • same amount in volume of various lettuces - we love Romaine and Arugula
  • 4 tbsp hemp hearts
  • 1 tomato, cubed
  • 1-1.5 cup of cucumber, cubed
  • 1 avocado OR 1/4 cup feta cheese
  • fresh herbs: cilantro, parsley and/or dill
  • 1 marigold flower's petals (optional.. beautiful in salad and good for your eyes!)
  • Dressing:
  • 2 tbsp of lemon juice
  • 3 tbsp omega-3 oil ( flax oil, hemp oil or Udo's oil)
  • 1 tsp honey
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • 1 tbsp water
  1. Cut/tear kale leaves in about 1 inch by 1 inch pieces. Cut out stems if they are too sturdy. There is no need to squeeze it to make it softer.
  2. Add lettuce and arugula, cut to similar size as kale, and marigold petals.
  3. Add cubed tomato, cucumber, feta or avocado. Add herbs and hemp hearts.
  4. Mix the dressing in a small bowl and pour it over the salad. When making dressing, taste it with one tbsp of lemon juice and add another one it is is not sour enough.


To create unlimited variations of this tasty salad, bravely use various dressings, lettuces, and veggies. For example, use honey mustard dressing, balsamic, or homemade Italian dressing. Add sweet onion. Use fruit and berries, such apples and blueberries, or strawberries and blackberries, instead of veggies. Add marinated tofu or tempeh for more protein. Always keep kale, hemp hearts, and one more ingredient containing fat, such as avocado, walnuts, almonds, or feta cheese.

This salad can be stored overnight. Without dressing, its possible to store it for two days

Choose the right omega 3 sources

problem with fish oil

If you are curious what's the latest news in the omega-3 world, check out Dr. Mercola's site. In a nutshell, salmon is touted by the doctors as a great source of omega-3, but most of the salmon that people can afford is farmed. Farmed fish is unbelievably polluted. The problem is that mercury and other harmful pollutants bind themselves to the fat in salmon. Instead of helping your brain by providing omega 3s, farmed fish may cause a host of health issues as serious as Alzheimer's and dementia.

So it's only logical to recommend super clean krill oil and wild fish oil for your omega 3 supplementation. The problem with this approach is that by harvesting krill, which is at the bottom of the food chain, we deplete ocean's resources and reduce biodiversity by starving all fish that feeds on krill, including whales. By using more wild salmon, we contribure to further depletion of the fish stock.

So, while it's OK to eat wild salmon occasionally, doing it every day for the sake of getting enough omega 3s is costly and detrimental to the environment.

That's why natural and clean plant sources of omega-3, such organic hemp seeds and chia seeds, are so important for our health and that of our children.

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